Mrs. Price’s Positive Word of the Week #HAMS #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
Word of the Week
Attention: Tomorrow's game with Holy Cross has been postponed and will be played on Monday 2/18. 7th grade game will start at 6:00. #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Michelle White
Attention: The 7th grade regional basketball game has been moved. Our game is now at 6:15 on Monday. #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Michelle White
8th Grade Night for #HAMS Boys Basketball #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
8th grade
8th grade
8th grade
Ms. Brutlag's 6th grade class worked really hard on their Egypt projects and did a great job presenting them! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Anna Brutlag
Egypt projects!
The MS volleyball game tomorrow (Saturday 1/12/19) with Holy Cross has been rescheduled for next Saturday, January 19th. We are still working on a time frame for the game. #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Michelle White
NOTE: Gibson Area Hospital provides a full service dental clinic. They accept all patients- children and adults. They accept all commercial insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and those with no ability to pay. They are open 5 days a week from 8-5. Their number is 217-784-2701.
over 5 years ago, Michelle White
#HAMS #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
#HAMS Pie in the Face winners....if you can call it that! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
#HAMS - Student Council Christmas Auction Workers and SANTA #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
#HAMS PBIS Christmas Celebration - UGLY Sweater Contest - #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
#HAMS PBIS Christmas Celebration - Basketball Musical Chairs #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
#HAMS PBIS Christmas Celebration - Basketball Musical Chairs #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
The 6th grade boys basketball team played an awesome game tonight! #cornjerkerpride
over 5 years ago, Megan Weeks
6th grade boys bb
6th grade boys bb
Congratulations to Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Weston, and Mrs. Garrison for being recognized at the VASE “Evening of Excellence” tonight for being a Special Educator of the Year! Congratulations! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Candace Freeman
Mrs. Garrison
Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Weston
8th grade students created word clouds about the characters in the books they are reading. They came up with some awesome adjectives #CornjerkerPride #HAMS
over 5 years ago, Madeline Stock
Word cloud
Word cloud
8th Grade Boys Basketball Vs. B-H #cornjerkerpride
over 5 years ago, Megan Weeks
8th Grade Boys BB
8th Grade Boys BB
7th Grade Boys Baskeball vs. B-H Great game!! #cornjerkerpride
over 5 years ago, Megan Weeks
7th Grade Boys BB
Parents, we invite you to complete the 5 Essentials survey. It can be found at: Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Michelle White
MS Christmas Concert #cornjerkerpride
over 5 years ago, Megan Weeks
ms band
ms choir