Ali Watson moves on to the Super Sectionals in the 3 point shoot out!
over 5 years ago, Ginger Gonzalez
Ali Watson makes 12 out of 15 to move on to the Super Sectionals!
Way to go Ali!!! πŸ’™πŸ€πŸ’™
Pack the Place - FREE T-Shirt! The Hoopeston Area Sports Boosters invite you to the boys basketball game on Friday, February 15th. Free t-shirts will be available for each paid admission starting at 5:30 p.m. while supplies last.
over 5 years ago, Kevin Root
Pack the Place
Congratulations, Mr. Geiss, News Gazette Teacher of the Week! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
Sports Boosters are selling this new shirt at The Flower Shop! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
New shirt!
Due to extreme cold, Hoopeston Area will be running a 2-hour late start on Friday, 1-25-19. School start times and bus schedules will be 2 hours later than normal. There will be no morning Pre-K at Maple School.
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
2 hour delay
New Direction
over 5 years ago, Ginger Gonzalez
New Direction
Cornjerker Connection
over 5 years ago, Ginger Gonzalez
Congratulations, John Greer 5th Grade D.A.R.E. Class of 2019! It was a joy to watch you make your pledge today to he drug, alcohol, and violence free! Proud of your commitment to healthy and positive lives! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
Essay Winners with High School Role Models
DARE Graduation 2019
Come out and show your support to our CORNJERKER BOWLING TEAM!πŸ’™
over 5 years ago, Ginger Gonzalez
I had the opportunity to catch a picture of one of the many sweet moments throughout Hoopeston Area today. There was excitement in the air! This little guy was beyond thrilled to see an electronic dancing Christmas hat! Thank you, Mrs. Martinez! You bring joy to those around you! 🧑
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
Mrs. Martinez in the Christmas spirit!
Greetings! Please take the Illinois Parent/Guardian 5Essentials Survey at the following link: We value your opinion!
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
Cornjerker Cheerleaders bring the Christmas spirit!
over 5 years ago, Ginger Gonzalez
Cornjerker cheerleaders bring the Christmas Spirit!
So proud of our CORNJERKER BOWLING Team THEY were 4th out of 8 teams. There were 40 girls. Jay Linder had high game and got a ribbon. She also had high 6 game and 3 game series. Kayla Goble was 14th for single games and 10th in 6 game and 3rd for 3 game. I would like to make a shout out to freshman Emily Ray for stepping up and bowling 6 games today after only practicing 2 days this week! Way to go team! πŸ’™πŸŽ³
over 5 years ago, Ginger Gonzalez
Middle school band
over 5 years ago, Ginger Gonzalez
Middle School Christmas concert
1st grade Christmas concert
over 5 years ago, Ginger Gonzalez
1st grade Christmas concert
Thankful for Mrs. Mandel and the Cadet Band Students! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
Cadet Band
The District Orange Team is working on a little surprise for staff. Orange you glad your’re a Cornjerker?
over 5 years ago, Emily Brown
The District Orange Team is working on a little surprise for staff! Orange you glad to be a Cornjerker?
HAHS Students took the ASVAB today to learn more about their individual strengths and further prepare to be successful after high school! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
Good Morning! It's Parent-Teacher Conference time! School will be dismissing at 2:05/2:20 p.m. today and tomorrow, and we will have no school on Friday. Please schedule a time to talk with your child's teacher(s). We are looking forward to seeing you!
over 5 years ago, Suzi Hesser
Support the HAHS Marketing class. We are having a friendly competition with two different designs to raise money to purchase more Cornjerker branded items. Our wish includes Cornjerker playing cards, bobbleheads, plush dolls, and more. Group 1:Β Group 2:Β
over 5 years ago, Kevin Root
Marketing contest